Sumerian Shakespeare
Miscellaneous Items about The Great Fatted Bull

Transliteration: the Sumerian words and their English equivalents,
with notes on decoding mahX. It also summarizes the ways the meaning of the text is obscured. Dull reading for anyone but a Sumerologist.

Tablet #36 sign list: a list of all of the signs used on Tablet #36 and their definitions.

The Great Fatted Bull and the CDLI: the attempt by Robert Englund and the CDLI to discredit the translation of The Great Fatted Bull.

Robert Englund's Error List: the numerous errors in Robert Englund's transliteration of Tablet #36.

Sumerian Trick Signs: a description of the "trick signs" used on tablets to hide the secret meaning of the texts.

A Masterpiece?: a discussion of the literary merits of Tablet #36.

Adventures in Cuneiform: my adventure/ordeal translating Tablet #36.
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