Sumerian Shakespeare
Enmetena tablet translation

Enmetena/ ensi/ of Lagash
This translation is from the CDLI (P222593). The tablet is important because it is the first known use of the word ama-gi4, meaning "freedom." In this case, it is a freedom from the indentured servitude of debt, where mothers and children had to become servants until the debts of the family were repaid. The word would later be used to mean "freedom" in general.
He Returned the Mother to the Child
For Lugalemush {i.e., Dumuzid, the husband of Inanna.}
Enmetena, ruler of Lagash
chosen by the heart of Nanshe,
chief ruler of Ningirsu,
son of Enannatum, ruler of Lagash,
for Ningirsu the shrine Dugru he built,
the Ahush,
the temple that he (Ningirsu) views with a steadfast eye,
he built and made fitting for him.
The chariot (named) The Mountain Heaper (or Shaker?) of Ningirsu,
the Grebe(?) of the Eridu Road,
whose fearsomeness is of the heart of the mountains,
he fashioned for him.
The House of Fine(?) Donkeys he built for him.
For Lugalurub his palace of Urub he built.
For Nanshe the E'engur of the Zulum (field) he built
and made fitting for her.
A remission of the obligations {ama-gi4} of Lagash he instituted.
He returned the mother to the child
and returned the child to the mother,
and a remission {ama-gi4} of interest-bearing barley loans he instituted.
At that time, Enmetena
for Lugalemush the Emush of Badtibira,
his beloved temple, he built and restored.
The citizens of Uruk, the citizens of Larsa, and the citizens of Badtibira,
a remission {ama-gi4} of their obligations he instituted.
For Inanna, back to Uruk to her control he returned them.
For Utu, back to Larsa to his control he returned them.
For Lugalemush back to the Emush to his control he returned them.
a man subject to the word of Inanna,
his (personal) god is Shul-mush{x}pa.

Enmetena, ensi of Lagash