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Sumerian Shakespeare

Ur-Namma only

The "unknown ruler"


If you still don’t believe that the unknown ruler is Ur-Namma, then try this experiment:

Think of every man you’ve ever known or met in your life. Add to this every man you’ve seen pictured in books, newspapers, magazines, TV, or the movies; in other words, every man in the history of the world, ancient or modern.

Now eliminate everyone who does not have heavy-lidded eyes. That will be most of the men.

Of the few men remaining, eliminate everyone who does not also have large ears.

Of the heavy-lidded men with large ears, eliminate all those who do not also have a rounded tip of the nose.

Of the men with heavy-lidded eyes, large ears, and a rounded nose, eliminate all those whose right eye is not smaller and more heavy-lidded than the left.

Does anyone remain, in the entire history of the world, except for Ur-Namma?

The only ancient king who resembled Ur-Namma was his son Shulgi. That's because 

Shulgi inherited congenital ptosis (a drooping eyelid) from his father. Although Shulgi had asymmetric eyes, his face is rounder and his nose is more prominent than Ur-Namma's. 

See The Face of Shulgi.

You would recognize this man 

even in a crowded room.

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