Sumerian Shakespeare
Akkadian cylinder seals
These cylinder seal impressions show the kind of skirts worn by the Kish/Akkadians. The skirts were short, split in half, and angled – both slightly angled and sharply angled. Several of the seal impressions also show the "double belt" worn by some of the enemies on the Standard of Ur.
It kills me that I had to discover for myself that the Akkadians wore angled-skirts. All of these seals were properly identified as Akkadian, because of where they were found, but no one seemed to realize that they are identifiable solely by the clothing.
Click on the image of a seal to enlarge it in a separate window.
Seal impression 7, showing a battle of the gods; a common theme on Akkadian cylinder seals. Circa 2340 - 2150 B.C. Louvre.
Seal impression 11, showing sharply-angled skirts and the double belt. Battle of the gods. Ca. 2350–2150 B.C. Met Museum.
Seal impression 12, ca. 2350–2150 B.C. These skirts are slightly-angled. Met Museum.
Seal impression showing a hunt scene. The skirt on the right is sharply-angled.
Seal impression 2. Flanked by two pairs of men fighting and stabbing each other with swords, a god with a mace attacks a "scorpion man." The skirt is slightly-angled, like the ones on the seal below.
Seal impression 3.
Seal impression 15. The angle of the skirt is best seen on the figure on the left.
The double belt is also shown.
Seal impression 9, ca. 2350–2150 B.C., Met Museum; showing combat between men and animals. These skirts are sharply-angled.

The angled-skirt is also seen on other Akkadian artifacts. This detail from a wall painting
in the city of Mari shows a king (right) making an offering to the god Enlil.

Victory stele of King Sargon, showing an Akkadian soldier escorting bound prisoners of war. The sharp angle of this skirt closely matches the sharply-angled skirts worn by the Kish allies on the Standard of Ur.
May 21, 2011