Sumerian Shakespeare
FAQs: commonly asked questions about SumerianShakespeare

Jerald Jack Starr. The photograph was taken 12 years ago, so I look older than this now.
About the author:
For better or worse, I am the sole author of SumerianShakespeare (except for the page
about the chariot model). This website has been my consuming passion since 2008. I am
a graduate of East Tennessee State University, with a degree in Computer Science and
English Literature (I know, it's a weird combination).
Despite the ominous sounding "Copyright. All rights reserved," all of the text on this website
is freely available for personal, nonprofit, and academic use. It is even available for
commercial use. If you can make some money from it, good for you. One of us should.
The only thing you can't do is to claim my work as your own. For academic citations, please refer to me as "Jerald Jack Starr," at least the first time around. It is the only time that I insist
on using all three of my names.
Photo credits:
So far as I know, all of the photos on this website are freely available for personal, nonprofit, and academic use. For commercial use, you may need to contact the original source. Unfortunately, I was not always diligent about keeping track of where I found the photos.
A large majority of them came from the Penn Museum and the British Museum. If you have
a question about a particular photo (or perhaps a few), feel free to write and I will try to
remember the source, but no guarantees.
Can you trust SumerianShakespeare?
I am a "freelance" Sumerologist, which is to say I do not have a PhD, although with the thousands of hours that I dedicated to my research I could have earned several PhDs.
My webpages have been known to the professional Sumerologists since 2010 - without rebuttal. My translations are absolutely irrefutable. Any page that has a date at the end
(there are dozens of them) contain "original discoveries." I think you'll find that I provide
enough evidence to support my conclusions. That way you can make up your own mind
about them.