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Tripod silver vase of Enmetena, dedicated to the war god Ningirsu. The legs are made of copper. The vase features an image of Anzud, the lion-headed eagle, grasping two lions with his talons.

The image of Anzud shows up better in this old photograph. Anzud (also known as Imdugud) was the symbolic animal of Ningirsu. The image of Anzud with the two lions seemed to be symbolic of the city of Lagash.

Detail drawing of the Enmetena vase. The lions are attacking the stags.


The dedicatory inscriptions wrap around the neck of the vase:


Translation of the inscriptions from the CDLI (P222539):

For Ningirsu, the hero of Enlil,
Enmetena, ruler of Lagash,
chosen by the heart of Nanshe,
chief ruler of Ningirsu,
son of Enannatum, ruler of Lagash,
for the king who loved him, Ningirsu,
(this) gurgur-vessel of refined silver,
from which Ningirsu will consume the monthly oil (offering),
he had fashioned for him.
For his life, before Ningirsu of the Eninnu (temple)
he had it set up.
At that time Dudu
was the temple administrator of Ningirsu.

Dudu, the sanga priest of Ningirsu, also dedicated a votive plaque which shows another image of Anzud that I have photographically restored.

Another view of the silver vase of EnmetenaEnlarge.