The Great Fatted Bull
Tablet #36
Sumerian Images
Sumerian History
The Royal Tombs of Ur
The "Standard" of Ur?
Standard of Ur:  Narrative
Vulture Stele Translation
Sumerian War Chariots
War Chariot Deconstructed
Sumerian Chariot  Model
Gudea Translation
The Face of Gudea
Unknown Portrait of Gudea
The Face of Ur-Ningirsu
The Face of Lugal-agrig-zi
Ur-Namma Translation
The Face of Ur-Namma
Face of Ur-Namma, part II
I am Ur-Namma
The Face of Shulgi
Who Were the Sumerians?
Other Sumerian Kings
The Princess Wife
Princess Wife sequel
Princess Wife whole story
The Great Fatted Jackass
Mesopotamian Prostitutes
Sumerian Queens
Unknown Sumerian Queen
Another Sumerian Queen
Pu-abi, the Queen?
A Sumerian Princess
Sumerian Lukurs
The Divine Right to Rule
Sargon's Victory Stele
Helmet: the King of Kish
The Standard of Mari?
The Battles of Ishqi-Mari
The Gebel el-Arak Knife
Hierakonpolis Tomb 100
Queen Ku-Baba
Copy of the Std of Ur?
Mace or Vase?
The Invention of Writing
Adventures in Cuneiform
The Sumerian Scribe
A Masterpiece
FAQs, Copyrights, etc
Site Map

Didli:  It means "many, several, various". It was as close as I could get to a Sumerian sign that meant "miscellaneous".

I intend to use this section for miscellaneous topics. It will also keep my titles list (on the left)
from getting overly long, which has a tendency to scare off some readers.

Recently added: 

31-Aug-2016     The Gebel el-Arak Knife

10-Feb-2018     The Hierakonpolis Tomb 100 Mural

11-Mar-2019      Idiot

17-Sep-2016     Queen Ku-Baba

13-Jun-2018      Copied from the Standard of Ur?

05-Feb-2019      Mace or Vase?